Public Speaking is more than giving a speech


What is Public Speaking for Teens?

Public Speaking for Teens (PSFT) is a premier international Social and Presentation Coaching Program for youth and teens.

We are experts who are both passionate and committed to empowering young speakers to build speaking confidence. Our programming and methodologies are designed for youth, NOT an adult program that is “customized” for youth.

We focus on skill and activity-based learning in a fun and interactive small group to nurture every voice. We establish a partnership with guardians and build rapport with each speaker (we get to know your child) to provide the right support.

We empower teens to discover their voice and authentic expression.

We provide a safe experience where students build confidence, reduce anxiety, refine thinking, socially engage, and self-advocate not just in our class but beyond.

Our Strategy :

Why We Offer Small Group Sessions

At PSFT, our commitment to excellence in social and presentation skills coaching is reflected in our choice to offer small group sessions with a 1-12 student-coach ratio for in-person events and 1-6 student-coach ratio for online classes . This approach is integral to creating an interactive, learning environment that truly benefits every teen participant. Here’s why:

  1. Personalized Attention: Each student’s unique strengths and areas for improvement are addressed, fostering personal growth and confidence.

  2. Active Engagement: Teens are more likely to engage in discussions, practice their skills, and collaborate with peers in an intimate setting, leading to more meaningful learning experiences.

  3. Supportive Community: Students feel more comfortable expressing themselves, taking risks, and learning from one another, which is crucial for developing effective social and presentation skills.

  4. Focused Learning: Minimized distractions, Students concentrate better, absorb the material more effectively, and apply what they’ve learned in real-world situations.

  5. High-Quality Interaction: Our interactive, in-person sessions are designed to be dynamic and engaging providing ample opportunity to participate actively and receive immediate feedback.

We are dedicated to providing the highest quality coaching experience. Our small group sessions are a testament to this commitment, ensuring that every teen we coach can excel and thrive in their social and presentation skills.


By helping your child develop strong communication skills NOW, you are giving them an edge to build a successful future.


What Do We Do?

We support shy speakers to become Confident!

We encourage confident speakers to become Passionate!

We inspire passionate speakers to become Effective!


Additional Services

If you have a group of students (4 or more) we can customize sessions just for your group.